McHenry County Helping Hands Ministry
2018-2019 Christmas Angel Tree Events

Every child has a story. For 2.7 million American children, that story is filled with the abandonment, loneliness, and shame that come from having a mom or dad in prison. For many, it may also include following their parents down the same destructive road to incarceration.
Angel Tree, a program of Prison Fellowship, reaches out to the children of inmates and their families with the love of Christ. This unique program gives you an opportunity to share Christ’s love by helping to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the families of prisoners. Reference: www.prisonfellowship.org
In 2018, The Angel Tree Partnership through the ministry of LFCF and Helping Hands blessed 289 children this blessed year of 2018. 75 gifts were shipped to families.
In 2019, The Angel Tree Partnership through the ministry of LFCF and Helping Hands blessed 318 families.

Helping Hands Ministry
The McHenry County Helping Hands Ministry is an umbrella organization formed to create unity and accountability among the inter-denominational organizations serving McHenry County. Helping Hands has a Board of Directors which includes the County Chaplin, who works very closely with the County Sheriff’s office.
Ministry Mission Statement
To lead the inmates at the McHenry County Jail to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as their personal Savior
To encourage their walk with Jesus
To provide Bibles to the inmates for their reference and study
To continue building up, encouraging, and supporting them while incarcerated and when released to go home
Serving people of many different religions
We are sensitive to different doctrines and we do not want to create confusion in the minds of the inmates. Hence the mission statement focus is an excellent guide for us to minister to all inmates as the Holy Spirit opens hearts and minds and reveals understanding to those incarcerated, that we care deeply about.
Inmates must be Free on the inside to be Free on the outside
Consider becoming part of the McHenry County Helping Hands organization. In addition to the programs listed below, Helping Hands also provides reading glasses, critical finances, training classes, and much more to McHenry County offenders. Helping Hands staff is entirely volunteer-based, from various churches in the County, and all contributions go directly to material resources for inmates.
Angel Tree
Children’s names and their gift wishes on paper angels, hang on a Christmas Angel Tree in local churches. Congregation members buy and wrap the gift(s) and return them to the church. Gifts are distributed at a party or delivered.
Bible Studies Correspondence
"Growing in Christ" is a thirteen week course consisting of: Salvation, Prayer, Victory, Forgiveness, Guidance, Christ First, His Strength, God's Word, Love, Giving, The Church, Good Works, and Witnessing. Upon completion, they receive a certificate. Many complete the study after they go home or on to prison.
Called on Purpose (COP)
COP is a mentoring/discipleship program that supports and empowers women that are dealing with various issues and meets one Sunday each month.
Church Services
Both Spanish and English services are conducted in the blocks every Sunday. Bibles are provided. The service is interdenominational and all are welcome to attend.
Community Upholding Persons (CUP)
CUP is an ecumenical Christian organization composed of people from various McHenry County area churches who share the good news of Jesus Christ. The meetings include scripture readings, discussion, and prayer. All are welcome!
English and Spanish speaking men and women from local churches provide one on one Christian counseling, prayer, and encouragement as well as answer questions regarding the Bible.
How to Be a Dad
Dad's class is conducted on a rotating schedule in both Spanish and English. The class covers "How to be a father" and is Christian based. The 6-week course consists of classroom sessions and homework. A certificate of accomplishment is award upon completion.
Ministerial Teaching / Visitation
Bible studies and counseling are held in the cell block.
Re-entry Passport
Pamphlet given to inmates that lists many resources available to help transition back into the community.