Serving Christ, Church, and Community
LFCF Leader's Luncheon 2018

Fox Valley Christian Action

Phil Miglioratti

....the Great Commission multiplied by Great Collaborations leads to Great Churches.... Phil Miglioratti

Disciples who live pray-care-share lives that bless and build..... Phil Miglioratti

Phil Miglioratti

a. Jesus prayed for us to experience "perfect unity." b. John 17:23 - The Aramaic is "shrink into one." When we see Jesus in one another, our vaulted opinions of ourselves will shrink. Phil Miglioratti

c. Romans 12:3 God has given me grace to speak a warning about pride. I would ask each of you to be emptied of self-promotion and not create a false image of your importance instead, honestly, assess your worth by using your God-given faith as the standard of measurement, and then you will see your true value with an appropriate self-esteem. Phil Miglioratti

a. All-the-same is similarity/homogeneity, but NOT Unity.

a. Collaboration has become trendy...but few actually understand what it requires. b. Coordinate + together; order (class) (Share Schedules) Phil Miglioratti

c. Cooperate = Together; work (Operations) (Share Resources) d. Collaborate= Together; work (Actions) (Shared Mission) Phil Miglioratti

a. Working together isn't easy. Expect set-backs. Do not give up. Phil Miglioratti

Mutually beneficial, God-Honoring Collaboration Dr. Gene Crume

How does this collaboration honor God and serve God's kingdom in our community? Dr. Gene Crume

Are we a partner or a responsible party? Dr. Gene Crume

Is this collaboration directly connected to our mission as a church (ministry)? Dr. Gene Crume

What will it take to sustain this collaboration for it to have a meaningful impact in our community? Think 10 years from now what will this look like. Dr.Gene Crume

Am I being honest regarding my energy as well as the energy of our ministry to be a full partner in this collaboration? Dr. Gene Crume
Leader's Luncheon 2018

Love Family Christian Foundation Joins Elgin Community College in HBCU Expo
October 21, 2017
Morehouse, Spelman, Fisk, Xavier and many more

LFCF Faith in Action ScholarshipBanquet
September 30, 2017
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Dr. Michael J. Love, Th. D. Dr. Karen C. Love, Ph. D

A family filled with CEO's, Attorneys, Computer Experts, Strategists. We are blessed.

Dr. Michael Love - CEO Dr. Karen Love - Vice Chair LaDawne Jenkins - Board of Directors Task Force Dr. Darryl Jenkins - Board of Directors

CEO - Enoch Love ELove Racing Team Shirl Love - BOD Golden Girls Development Center

President - Regional Operations Attorney Investor Relations

Rev. Karen C. Love Bishop Dr. Michael J. Love

Becky Coduto - Executive Director, Little Scholars Academy (coming soon) Anne Weirich - TWV Team Captain

Bishop Dr. Michael J. Love Brittany Scales - Actress - "Black Butterfly" /Producer Tony Shaw -Board of Directors (Abbvie Operations) Eddie Clopton - Attorney (Exelon) Diana Clopton - President Regional Operations Norma Scales - Scales of Dance

Becky Coduto Executive Director Little Scholars Academy Christian Montessori

Board of Directors

Scales of Dance Performing Arts Director Brittany Scales Actress/Producer "Black Butterfly"

Don Smith - Board of Director Kerry Smith - Board of Director Task Force

Karen Love - Vice CEO Diana Love - President, Regional Operations Michael Love - President Regional Operations